
I have been passionate about photography since age 8. In the last few years, my focus has switched from individual shots to small projects, such as:

Reading, writing, translating

Aside from academic writing, my blog is home to silly rhymes, comments on whatever books and comics I read and many more scribbles. In the future, I would like to try to do more popular science content.

I have also contributed to the Italian translation of various things on the web, for instance Nicky Case’s interactive article What happens next? and more recently Karin Boye’s short story Blomningstid.


Despite several failures to learn how to play different musical instruments, I’ve been part of innumerable choirs and two smaller vocal ensembles:

Another way I’ve tried to deal with the frustration of not being able to play anything remotely well myself was of course to instruct my computer to do that for me. In Haskell.


I used to run quite a lot, but as of now I’m more into all sorts of human-powered wheeled vehicles. I am also an arrampicatrice della domenica1.

  1. [Italian] lit. sunday climber (that is, hobby climber, but with a slightly negative connotation. In my case, I both suck at climbing and usually go climbing on Sunday mornings)