Language technology
- STUnD, a Search Tool for (parallel) Universal Dependencies treebanks
- concept-alignment, a tool for syntax-based phrase and word alignment
- conllu-plus-converter, a simple conversion tool for CoNNL-U (Plus) files
- arrè, a collection of Python scripts to download and transcribe recordings of trials from the Radio Radicale archives
- Rick Lime, a silly chatbot that helps you write limericks.
I have also contributed to:
- the UD portion of the gf-ud toolkit for dependency trees and GF-UD conversions, which I now maintain as a separate Haskell library for UD treebanks, deptreehs
- deptreepy, a Python port of part of gf-ud, where I re-implemented tree visualizations and integrated third-party parsing functionalities
- various processing tools for the MultiGEC dataset for Multilingual Grammatical Error Correction and the SweLL Swedish Learner Language corpus
- the Lärka language learning platform
- (minimally, but proudly) the Italian GF RGL
LaTeX themes & templates
- lucid, the beamer theme I use for 100% of my presentations since 2018, recently revamped
- GUnofficial-poster-template, the only poster template I will ever use if I really have to make a poster.
- me-tadah, the simplest possible ebook metadata editor
- Librery, the first and probably last complete Android app I’ll ever have the patience to write
- Impara l’Haskell e mettilo da parte, a basic Haskell course consisting in video lessons and code examples. The course is entirely in Italian, as the goal was to create learning materials easily accessible to my fellow citizens that who use the language barrier as an excuse not to learn my favorite programming language. This project is currently on hiatus ever since I’ve started teaching more and more in person