A few weeks ago, some of my colleagues and I travelled to Turin to participate in LREC-COLING, a rather large really huge computational linguistics conference (which, as a bonus, also gave me an extra chance to visit friends and family around Italy).

View from the rooftop of the Lingotto, the conference venue. On the top left, you can see part of the Olympic arc, on the top right the snowy mountains surrounding the city. The roof was the only relatively quiet place in kilometers.
View from the rooftop of the Lingotto, the conference venue. On the top left, you can see part of the Olympic arc, on the top right the snowy mountains surrounding the city. The roof was the only relatively quiet place in kilometers.

I reported on this overwhelming yet rewarding experience at the conference on the Swedish National Language Bank (Nationella Språkbanken) website (in Swedish) and teamed up with my colleague Ricardo for a longer post on the Språkbanken text blog (in English).